
Site Name $/US Click $/UK Click Publisher Tools Aff Program Min Payout Payout Processors
8$/1000 unique visitors 4.7$/100 unique visitors API, Easy Link, Full Page and Entry Script 20% of Their Earnings, 5% of Ad Purchases $5, Payoneer $10 Paypal or Payoneer

Around 0.00014000BTC/unique click Around 0.00014000BTC/unique click API, Msg and HTML Processor, Full Page and Overlay Script, Browser Extension 20% of All Their Earnings None, 12% Commission Sent to Bitcoin Address

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Coinurl - Full Review

One of my personal favorite paying URL shorteners is CoinURL. This URL shortener has many unique features to it. I will cover all of them in this blog post. The site was registered on April 23rd, 2012 by Richard Vialoux in Canada, so it is considered a new member of the network of PPC sites. Unlike most PPC sites, you earn Bitcoins instead of dollars! (For more information on Bitcoins, click here.) To give you an idea of how much a bitcoin is worth, 1 BTC is worth around $100 USD. They also offer very useful tools. These include the API (self-exclamatory) and the Message/HTML Processors. The processors allow users to enter some text into the form and they will convert all links to CoinURL links. The HTML one works similarly, but you upload a .html/.htm/.php file with the uploader (10MB max) and it will detect links in the file and convert them to CoinURL links. Both of these processors allow you to exclude certain domains, parse BBCode (useful when shortening links from forums), try detecting links without the http:// prefix, and to protect the shortened links with a password. They also offer a Auto Shortening script which shortens all links on a page when the script is inserted (you can make exclusions) and an Overlay script which, when inserted onto a page, the visitor will navigate to your site and then be redirected to a full page ad, then back to your page. (Take note the page also must have jQuery, jQuery Cookie, and Crypto MD5 on the page for the overlay script to work) CoinURL also provides Ad-filtering, so you can control what ads your visitors can see! As for the affiliate program, you earn 20% of your referral's ad purchases and 10% of your referral's publisher earnings (meaning their links and website owner earnings). So what are you waiting for?

1 comment:

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